
Course descriptive Details

( Name - Content - Duration - Price )

Name : Android Development (Including JAVA)
Duration : The Course Duration is not published
Price : 2500 L.E
Content :

Core Java

- Introduction
- Fundamental data types
- Variables & Strings
- Basic Input / Output
- Operators
- If & Nested IF
- Switch cases
- For Loop
- While & Do-While
- Nested Loops
- Arrays

Object Oriented Programming

- Strings
- ArrayLists & Vectors
- Functions & Parameters
- Classes
- Objects
- Constructors
- Setters & Getters
- Data Abstraction and encapsulation
- Function overloading
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Exception handling

Android Application Development:

- Introduction to Android
- Android System Overview
- Android Studio (Installation & TIPS). - SDK & emulators
- File System
- Main Building Blocks
- Activities
- Basic Android UI
- UI View Groups
- UI Components
- Material Design
- Top Action bar & Bottom Action bar
- Events
- Intents
- Toast & images
- Camera & gallery & screen shoots
- Audio & Video
- Ringtones
- Notifications
- ListViews & RecyclerView & Design Cards
- Fragments & Tapped layout
- Menus & taps
- Navigation Drawer
- SQLite Database
- Maps
- Threads & Async tasks
- Networking & HTTP Requests
- Web Services - Firebase Database
- Services
- Shared Preferences
- Facebook SDK
- Graduation Project (Final Project)
Phone (Optional):
Course Name: Android Development (Including JAVA)
Faculty (Optional):
Faculty ID (Optional):